Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello to all of you wonderful people (okay, just my mother), that unwillingly decided to read this blog about the Morehouse Family. I figured this was the easiest way to be able to share photos of our newest addition--Macie Morehouse, and her tyrant of a big brother Case "Super Power" Morehouse. Oh, and Brad, too.

Enjoy the photos of Case and Macie. I'll update this as time permits. I'm new to this blog thing, so make sure to cut me some slack :)

Also, a random thought, a HUGE thanks to my incredible mom whom just endured 2 weeks of THE Buckeye State (for some reason, you have to have THE in front of things in Ohio). She was a trooper. Ask her, when you talk to her next, about the troubles at the Olive Garden, Case's super powers, and what type of bathing suit she was pondering purchasing for the beach.

Hugs, Kisses and Poopy Diapers,

1 comment:

  1. You are so silly! Congratulations on the new arrival, she is beautiful. Case looks like he is being a good big brother, at least momentarily! lol Keep me updated on what I am in for, i will need all of the help I can get!
